Marketing your business through video series such as A Kiwi Original is an excellent way to showcase your brand, products, and services to a wider audience. By participating in the show, you have the opportunity to share your unique story and showcase what sets you apart from your competitors. The exposure that your business will receive from being featured on A Kiwi Original can lead to increased brand recognition, more traffic to your website, and potentially more sales.
A Kiwi Original
A Kiwi Original is a video series, sharing uniquely Kiwi stories from people contributing to New Zealand's future.
New episodes are released on YouTube. Subscribe to get notified when new episodes are released.
Share Your NZ Made Story
Each episode is approximately 3-5 minutes long. While each interview is unique, there are key themes that come up each time including:
The origin story behind your business.
What your business makes.
The people and skills your business relies on.
The products that have been created and the problems they solve.
How this business is positively shaping New Zealand's future.
There is no additional appearance fee for being featured on A Kiwi Original. This service is included as part of your NZMade or NZCode licence fee. For licence holders, the best moments of the episodes are shared with our 30,000 NZ Made fans across LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
From Levin to Palmerston North | On the Road w/ Buy NZ Made
Watch unique highlights from our A KIWI ORIGINAL series, as we travel from region to region.
A KIWI ORIGINAL is an original series from Buy New Zealand Made. You can see Kiwi stories from people contributing to New Zealand's future by subscribing at www.akiwioriginal.com
A Kiwi Original - Jack Harrison | Harrison Frames
Harrison Frames are the go-to for Kiwis seeking quality photo/certificate or custom-frames.
They specialise in manufacturing environmentally sustainable New Zealand made timber products in their Mount Maunganui factory.
A Kiwi Original - Steve Shaw | Mactrap
In this episode of A Kiwi Original we are joined with Steve Shaw from Mactrap. Mactrap specialises in the design, manufacture, and distribution of wastewater separation systems and associated pumping solutions.
All of their separation systems are supported by a range of pumping solutions designed to meet the unique demands of the wastewater industry.
A Kiwi Original - Mat Macmillan | Maker Design
In this episode of A Kiwi Original, we are joined by Mat Macmillan, who works in wood and other media for his amazing products collection. MAKER is all about exploring top-end design, aesthetics and materials and bringing them together with meticulous craftsmanship.
A Kiwi Original - Peri Drysdale | Untouched World
Untouched World is a sustainable lifestyle fashion brand based in New Zealand. They believe that you don't have to give up quality, luxury and great design to be good to the planet.
Peri Drysdale, CEO and founder of Untouched World, started the brand when she noticed a beautiful river once admired had become contaminated and dangerous only two years later.
A Kiwi Original - Elisha Nuttall | Hi-Tec Aerials
Since 1974 Hi-Tec Aerials have hand-made robust aerial solutions for the most demanding of conditions. Recognised as a quality antenna throughout the world, their extensive range of base station antennas provide, reliable easy to install antenna that are used by business and in the radio industry.
Making it New Zealand
Making It New Zealand was our video series that ran from 2018 to 2020. We went behind the scenes of local Kiwi businesses to see how products are made. Subscribe to Buy New Zealand Made on YouTube to watch this series, and our latest series, A Kiwi Original.
What businesses say
"Really happy with the vid and we have already had a positive enquiry from a potential customer that watched it." Alistair Rough - Product Development Manager Hansells Masterton. Watch episode.
- Hansells Masterton
"We were stoked to have the team from Buy NZ Made come and support us and put together an amazing video of what we do. Ryan knew the right questions to ask to genuinely find out what drives us and why we love doing what we do. It was an amazing opportunity to show case what we do here." - Sarah Armstrong-Park - Owner Seventh Wave Wetsuits. Watch episode.
- Seventh Wave Wetsuits
"Manufacturing in New Zealand helps our family foster growth, not only in our industry but that of our community and it provides a future of job security for many people. It gives us a sense of pride to be able to offer the world a high quality technical product that’s made right here in New Zealand. Our NZ customers, such as Kathmandu, Swanndri & Skellerup really love and promote the NZ Made story, they rely on us to provide a NZ made product which is now using New Zealand sourced merino wool. Its wholesome, honest, hardworking kiwis that take pride in producing every pair of your NZ Sock Company socks." Gabrielle Simpson - NZ Sock Company. Watch episode.
- NZ Sock Company
"Felt scary as heck being in front of camera but you made me feel comfortable. 2 months sales in the following 4 days was pretty exciting to deal with." Gareth Hargreaves - Founder WMC Trail Tools. Watch episode.
- WMC Trail Tools
"Our story is about a hands on commitment to innovative design, quality of materials and attention to detail workmanship. We have created a trusted brand against a flow of cheaper, higher margin imports that lasts beyond customer expectation and provides employment for New Zealanders proud of their work and achievements. Earth Sea Sky is about style, values, heritage." Jane Ellis - Earth Sea Sky. Watch episode.
- Earth Sea Sky
"When I was told we were chosen for the Buy NZ episode I put it off to the very last date that was available. I had many sleepless nights thinking about it and spent days wondering what I was going to say. When Anna and Ryan arrived on the day I felt instantly at ease and the day flowed perfectly. I was still dreading the video coming out but when it did I was blown away with how well it all came together. Great work team!" Debbie Green - Weebits. Watch episode.
- Weebits
"The Making it New Zealand Series help us to share our story by creating a behind the scenes digital message. This provided a fantastic window on our operation. Having your company’s story told from a 3rd person perspective adds fantastic PR value." Simon Berry - Managing Director Whitestone Cheese. Watch episode.
- Whitestone Cheese
Woolyarns - Making It New Zealand
Woolyarns is a New Zealand yarn and textile manufacturer that goes beyond the ordinary. Since 1992, they have been spinning merino possum yarns using possums trapped around New Zealand, combining sustainability with craftsmanship.
Kraus & Naimer - Making It New Zealand
Kraus & Naimer is a specialist switch manufacturer. Founded in Austria in 1907, their New Zealand factory has been operating since 1978, supplying the New Zealand, Australian and Asian markets with switches made to local customer requirements.
Glenn Jones Art - Making It New Zealand
Glenn Jones creates art inspired by Kiwi culture and nostalgia. Together with his wife Julia, they run the business from their home in Auckland and partner with other Kiwi businesses to transform art into tangible products.
Pertronic Industries - Making It New Zealand
Pertronic Industries are experts in advanced, intelligent fire detection systems. Managing Director David Percy and his team show us around their factory in Lower Hutt.
Moreton Jewellery - Making It New Zealand
Pounamu (greenstone) is unique to the South Island of New Zealand. Deane Moreton, who has been involved with pounamu for over 40 years, takes us through how they craft pounamu jewellery.
Seymour's - Making It New Zealand
Seymour Distributing Company (Seymour's) is home to New Zealand Made brand Cuisine Queen and the iconic Sun Cheese Cutter. Greg Moore takes us through the range and a visit down the road to Uniplas NZ Ltd to see Cuisine Queen containers being made.