Check to see if a company is licensed with us or if a brand or product is registered with us to use the Kiwi trademark by searching our licence holders below. If you believe someone may be in breach of using the Buy NZ Made branding and trademark, you can report a breach below also. Simply click on the link.
Report Trademark Breach
If you believe someone may be in breach of using the Buy NZ Made branding and trademark by using the trademark on what you believe is a non-NZ made product or if you believe a company is using the trademark who is not a licensee, please complete the complaint form.
The procedures that the campaign and our members need to adhere to for all complaints made on the complaint form as set out in our code of practice are as follows:
Complaints received by Buy NZ about use of the Kiwi trademark by a licensee
20. Business New Zealand Inc. has registered the following trademark as certification trademarks with the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) so as to ensure all persons, businesses and organisations that qualify are free to use the Kiwi trademark in the promotion of their products and services in accordance with the terms of the licence contained in these rules:Buy NZ shall follow the following procedures in relation to complaints where the complaint involves use of the Kiwi trademark by a licensee:
Buy NZ will send the licensee a notice advising of the complaint and asking for the licensee’s response within 14 days;
the licensee will respond to Buy NZ within 14 days, attaching evidence to support its compliance with these rules;
Buy NZ will evaluate the licensee’s response to determine whether the complaint is valid or insufficiently addressed by the licensee;
Buy NZ may require the licensee to undergo a compliance audit, conducted in accordance with these rules; and
should the complaint be valid or the compliance audit find the licensee is not complying with these rules, or that it is unclear whether the licensee’s use complies with these rules, Buy NZ may impose the sanctions detailed in these rules against the licensee.
Complaints received by Buy NZ Made about the use of the Trademark by unlicensed business or individuals
Buy NZ shall follow the following procedures in relation to complaints where the complaint involves use of the Kiwi trademark by an unlicensed business or individual:
Buy NZ will write to the unlicensed business or individual setting out the circumstances under which the Kiwi trademark may legally be used, and asking the unlicensed business or individual to rectify the situation; and
if the complaint is not resolved within the time set by Buy NZ, Buy NZ may, at its sole discretion, have recourse to other action, including legal action and referral of the complaint to the appropriate authorities.
Complaints received by licensees
Where a licensee receives a complaint about its use of the Kiwi trademarks, it will respond to the complainant in writing within 14 days of receiving the complaint. The licensee will take all reasonable steps, in good faith, to resolve the complaint directly with the complainant and:
a copy of the complaint and response must be provided to Buy NZ at the same time as the licensee responds to the complainant; and
in its response to the complainant, the licensee will explain the basis, if any, upon which the claim in question is justified and/or what corrective action has been taken to remedy the complaint, if any.

“New Zealand had a great reputation for creating high-quality software and we’re proud to show that we’re NZ Made.”
Grant Johnson | Rocketspark co-founder
For more than 10 years, Rocketspark has been dedicated to making it easier and more affordable for businesses to have a beautiful and effective website. The business is based in Waikato, as this location allows it to be really close to a large concentration of local businesses that have Rocketspark websites (including Buy NZ Made). It also has team members based in Auckland and Melbourne.
"I think it's very, very important to sell in New Zealand as the New Zealand Made product."
Lili Ma
— Finelogy Founder |

"We have got New Zealand Made. That was the first thing I signed up to. I was really proud of that and you were very welcoming. So thank you Ryan."
Billi Jo Hohepa-Rohipa
— Founder B'Det |